

Math 数学

年级: 一年级

价格: USD$400.00

选择类型: (课程)




Welcome to Math 1

Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10

Fluently Add and Subtract within 10

Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies

Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies

Work With Addition and Subtraction Equations

Measure Lengths


Represent and Interpret Data

Introduction to Grade 1 Math

Extend the Counting Sequence

Understand Place Value

Compare Two-Digit Numbers

Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones

Use Models to Subtract Tens

Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes

Equal Shares of Circles

Looking Ahead to Grade 2

课程指导Lesson Manual/Course Guide

Math 1 A and B Course Guide


在线教材Online Text/eBook

Partial eText enVisionMATH Grade 1



enVisionMATH Grade 1: Student Lessons


Welcome to Math 1

Addition and Subtraction Problems to 10

Fluently Add and Subtract within 10

Addition Facts to 20: Use Strategies

Subtraction Facts to 20: Use Strategies

Work With Addition and Subtraction Equations

Measure Lengths


Represent and Interpret Data

Introduction to Grade 1 Math

Extend the Counting Sequence

Understand Place Value

Compare Two-Digit Numbers

Use Models and Strategies to Add Tens and Ones

Use Models to Subtract Tens

Reason with Shapes and Their Attributes

Equal Shares of Circles

Looking Ahead to Grade 2
